
Line painting, AKA line striping, pavement striping, or pavement marking – provides motorists with information to help guide and position their vehicle in the parking lot. Pavement markings need to be clear so that anyone entering your property can do so safely and efficiently.

Superior Asphalt offers new layout, repainting, and redesign of parking lines for parking lots, parkades, walkways, and other surfaces.

Pavement markings available:

  • Parking stall lines
  • Fire lanes
  • Accessibility stall
  • Electric car parking
  • Safety walkways/pedestrian safety lines
  • Family parking
  • Curb painting
  • Loading zone
  • No parking zone
  • Directional symbols/arrows
  • Emergency exits
  • Custom stencils

Superior Asphalt Paving can use customer blueprints or we can design a layout for you — with the correct parking lot layout, you can maximize the number of vehicles that will be able to park on the property.

The two types of parking designs that we use are 90-degree or angled parking. 90-degree parking allows for two-direction traffic in the parking lot and will fit the largest number of cars in the lot. Angled parking (45, 60, 75 degrees) can only be used for one-direction traffic and is easier to pull-in or back out of the stalls. The drawback is that angled parking takes up more space, which means fewer stalls in the lot. When pavement markings are properly designed and placed, they improves the flow of traffic and leads to increased safety and efficiency.

Line painting is always the last step in parking lot construction or repair. To prepare, all patching, crack sealing, and/or seal coating must be done beforehand, and a mechanical power sweeping of the area(s) is a must. When we are repainting existing parking lines, we apply one coat of paint; in a new layout, two coats are required. When redesigning parking line layouts, the old lines must be painted over with gray paint — if they haven’t faded enough over time — before new lines are placed.


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